Monday, January 9, 2012


While I was thinking about today's post about pet peeves, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to come up with much. I knew that there were a lot of things that annoyed me, but I wasn't sure that they were technically pet peeves. But then they just started to come to me.

1. Leaving lights on when no one is home, or having unnecessary lights on
2. When I take the time to organize/clean something, and then I go back later and it is unorganized/dirty again
3. Using my stuff without asking
4. Rude People - people who have pointless bumper stickers that don't make any sense, therefore proving their stupidity.

*Side note: I saw a bumper sticker on my way home today that said "Motherhood should be choice, not chance." This person had pro-abortion stickers all over their car. Fine. Have your opinions, whatever. But seriously?!? That one makes no sense! Okay, there are two situations in which this may make sense: 1. the person is the next Virgin Mary (unlikely) and 2. the person was a victim of rape (although, if that's what they meant the better word to use would have been "force" or something of the like, not chance). So... it doesn't make sense to me. How is it not their choice to have sex with someone, to not protect themselves, to be careless and to take a "chance" that they won't get pregnant. Um...not smart!

...Sorry, rant over, back to what "peeves" me:

5. Bad Drivers.
6. People interrupting me when I'm talking - this happens to me all the time and it's so annoying! It is probably my number one pet peeve. I know that sometimes it just happens, but it's seriously all the time that I'm not even sure that I was even talking or they were even listening. If something I say reminds you of something you want to tell me, please just wait until I'm done. Or say "that reminds of me something I have to tell you when you are finished", then I will ask you what it was when I am done. I think 9 times out of 10 when I'm trying to tell a story or something, I never end up telling it because I am interrupted so many times that I just give up.
7. Repeated noises - for instance today at work, I was working on a huge file and had to continually scroll up and down. The sound of the scroll button on my mouse drives me crazy! It gives me this weird feeling in my stomach and I just want to pull all my hair out! AH!
8. Lighting candles/smelly things - it doesn't bother me if it's once in a while, or if something smells funky and the candle is helping the smell go away, but when you know that I hate things that have strong smells, please just don't burn them all the time for fun. If you feel the need to do so, do it in your room where I don't have to smell it. And don't put incense-y smelly things in every room of the house. It makes me sneeze, gives me a headache, and I just don't like it.

I seem very negative in this post, I apologize. This wasn't a very positive subject I guess. Tomorrow should be more positive, please come back :)

Happy Monday!! I'm going to go watch the new episode of The Next Great Baker!

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