“My 51”
As I was searching through a lovely blog the other day and drooling over her wonderful recipes, I came across an idea that inspired me. She has this list of 100 items that she wanted to try. And then she crosses them off when she finishes.
I thought “what a great idea!” as I stuffed my mouth with Girl Scout cookies (peanut butter patties if you must know). I always find a million recipes that I would love to make, or I think of things but don’t have a recipe for. And yes I know that’s what Pinterest is for, and I have dozens of recipes pinned to my “Delish!” board, but wouldn’t it be great to just have a list so I can cross things off?
I (kinda) like lists. They make me get things done, but then if I have a list it means I have things to get done. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have a list. What I do love though, is crossing things off a list. That makes me feel productive, accomplished, and just downright happy.
Now, her list was a little more complicated; she mostly invents recipes or re-invents them at least. Mine is going to be a mix of links to foods I want to make that I found recipes for, and foods that I want to make but don’t have a recipe for as of yet.
So, here it is (in no particular order, and yes I know it’s only 51 – you gotta start somewhere!). If you have made any of these things or have really good recipes for them, please let me know! :)
5. Mini cheesecakes
6. Tiramisu
7. Doughnuts
13. Sushi
14. Pumpkin pie made with a real pumpkin
16. Homemade pesto
17. Red velvet anything
18. A new kind of cookie I’ve never made
19. Shrimp something
20. Flowers out of apples - like these!
21. A new kind of pancake
22. Homemade ice cream
23. New type of Dip
24. Braided pie crust
25. Homemade pretzels/pretzel bites
26. Maple fudge
27. Roasted chickpeas
28. Baked apples
29. Homemade biscuits
30. Crispy Fried Cauliflower
31. New Crockpot recipe
32. Oven baked chicken wings
33. Bagels
34. Scones
35. Thin Mints
36. New kind of truffle
37. Cake balls (or pops)
38. A really awesomely decorated cake
39. Caramel brownies
40. Refried beans
41. Ham
42. A Thanksgiving turkey
43. Grilled something (Steaks?)
44. Torte
45. Banana cream pie
46. Spring Rolls
47. Dumplings
49. A Refreshing drink (to get in the summer mood – since it’s been so nice out lately!)
50. Twice Baked Potatoes
51. Homemade mashed potatoes
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