Wednesday, April 11, 2012

To Do this week


I realize it's Wednesday, and it's partly through the week already, however, I'm still going to post my goals for the week. Better late than never, right?

If it's any consolation, I did make the list on Monday with every intention of posting, but I got caught up studying for an exam. An exam that I didn't realize I had until the day before... guess I should show up at my night class more often. But let's be honest, it's SO boring.

This week is busy, exciting, stressful, and so much more and honestly I'm just looking forward to getting it over with. I'm (hopefully) getting my car on Saturday which is very exciting. I can stop driving Mitchell's gas guzzler to work. But, I'm a little nervous about it. It's such a large purchase and although I've done the math and I know I can afford it with my job, but I'm still nervous.. so any prayers would be appreciated! :)

My Goals from last week a couple weeks ago:

-Cook a real dinner at least 3 times this week (Honestly, I don't remember...)
-Read the daily verses from church everyday
-Apartment showing Friday at 2pm (I need to find a place to live by June 1st) *I found a place!!!!*
-Read some of my new books over break! (Money Saving Mom's Budget, Pick Another Checkout Lane, Honey!, and Redeeming Love) **Completely finished Pick Another Checkout Lane, Honey! and it was a really great couponing book, I really learned a LOT! Got through 3 chapters of Money Saving Mom's Budget**

-Pay WE Energies bill
-Do not go out to eat at all this week
-Create a budget for June 1st - after graduation (It's in progress.. planning on completing tonight!!)
-Clip coupons and check for deals (Grocery shopping this week)

-Blog at least twice (one - cupcakes!)

-Group paper for Friday
-SPRING BREAK is next week!!
-Do some reading over break
-Try to get a good start on my paper
-Start reading my book review book before it's too late

-Keep organized
-Deep clean my room over break (I cleaned, just not deeply...)
-Clean the bathroom
-Start going through my stuff in the basement (See my previous post, but I got rid of so much stuff!!)

My goals for THIS week:

-Cook at least 3 times this week
-Find my sister a birthday present
-Find time to read a book just for fun
-Learn how to cut hair - Mitchell is going to be my guinea pig ;)

-Clip coupons and deal hunt for grocery shopping this week
-Organize my coupons - cuz they be a mess!
-Finish Budget for June
-Go to bank
-Pay WE Energies
-Finalize info for Car
-Call Insurance company
-Figure out benefits/insurance for new job

-Blog twice this week

-Read book review book and complete presentation
-International Finance presentation & Homework
-Study for and dominate Managerial Econ Exam

-Clean Living Room and Dining Room
-Keep my room organized

Good luck on your goals this week! :)

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