Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2: Sunshine and Shopping

Well, it's day two and I remembered! Literally I was in the middle of a sentence and I just yelled out "I have to blog today!" My boyfriend probably thinks I'm, I know he does. But that's okay, I think that too. :)

Today's topic: 10 Likes and Dislikes
Now, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to do 10 likes and 10 dislikes or 10 total, but it's my blog and I can do what I want. So, I'm going to do 10 of each. I like and dislike a lot of things, but I've never really sat down and made a list of them. I'm actually pretty excited to see how these lists turn out.

I'm really not sure which one will be the easiest, so I'll end on a positive note and start with dislikes. (The following are in no particular order.)
1. New Car Smell - I know this is controversial and many people love it, but it makes me want to throw up. Not awesome. I really want to get a new car because my little neon seems to have a new problem every week, however It's going to smell and I'm going to have to deal with it, but I will not like it.
2. Candles, Potpourri, Air fresheners, and other smelly things - This could be grouped with number one, but I really can't stand anything smelly so I feel it deserves two categories. I will say there are a very few scents that
I could tolerate, but literally very few (probably 3-4 out of all the scents in the world). They make me sneeze and normally give me a headache. If I ever have candles in my house, they will be unscented (and probably never lit only for decoration).
3. Fake People - I really don't think this needs an explanation.
4. Fishing - boringgg. I used to like fishing a lot when I was little, but I just don't have patience to sit still for hours and be quiet. Being quiet is the worst part, actually. I just couldn't it.
5. Getting up early - I've never enjoyed getting up early, my freshman year in college I would sleep til 1 or 2pm if I could. I love sleeping. Now that I'm working a "real job" I have to be to work at 8am. In order to be there on time I have to leave my house by order to be ready to leave I have to get up between 630 and 645. This is just too early. As much as I'm excited to graduate and work, I am not looking forward to being on a schedule where I have to get up early every day.
6. Politics - I know that politics is necessary and I do have my opinions on certain things, but when someone starts arguing over politics I'm outta there! I've never been interested and I can't really say why. It's just not me I guess. I've never really taken the time to get fully educated and to really know what's going on. I try to be educated about elections and candidates and all that, but really I'm not that interested. I apologize if that's not your view or you think I'm wrong, but that's how I feel and (i'll say it again) this is my blog. :)
7. Fights - I don't like being in them, being around them, or hearing about them. Inevitably, fights will happen and I will be a part of some of them, I know that. But still, dislike.
8. Public Speaking - Oh, this is a big one! I hate, hate, hate speeches, presentations, anything in front of people. I failed every speech I did in high school, and I took speech online in college to avoid speaking in front of people. (I know what you're thinking "How do you take speech online? Doesn't that defeat the point?" Yes, yes it does and that's why I loved it. I had to videotape myself giving a speech and send it to the teacher. My kind of speech.)
9. Snow/Cold - I live in'd I get so lucky?? The only think I like about snow is that is makes everything look pretty. Although, that rarely lasts more than 5 minutes. Then it looks dirty and gross and it makes you cold and soaks through your boots (and then your socks) and makes you even colder. Once the first snow fall comes everyone forgets how to drive. If I could move somewhere where it was warm all the time, I would. In an instant.
10. People who can't/don't know how to drive - Having to get on the interstate and drive to and from work every day really irritates me, not because I have to drive or because I could still be sleeping a bit longer if I didn't live that far away (well that's kinda part of it), but mostly because people are dumb. No one knows how to merge, no one understands to switch lanes ahead of time when you are planning on exiting the freeway, no one understands which lane is the slow lane, and no one understands what the speed limit is. Everyone is always in a hurry and everyone always needs to be first. Just leave your house 5 minutes early (really, that's all you need!) and we can avoid all these problems. Be patient and stop being so selfish. I'll stop ranting now, but I could go on - be warned.

Now that I'm in a thoroughly irritated mood, I'm going to think of all the things that make me happy:
1. Shopping - something I've grown all to familiar with this past weekend. I love shopping, getting great deals, and most of all new things. I love getting new clothes. I love when I get jeans that fit just right (doesn't happen that often), when I find shoes that fit and are not going to tear apart my feet (really doesn't happen often).
2. Warm weather - Summer is my favorite season because it's warm. The best feeling ever is being warm. I love curling up on the couch with a huge blanket, sitting next to a fire, heck I'd sit next to a radiator if it was warm. I love laying in the sun on a hot summer day.
3. Food - I love everything about food. Eating, cooking, watching TV shows about food, you name it. I just started learning to cook, which you would know if you read my first ever blog post! I'm better at baking, but I'm slowly learning and trying new things. I hope to share them with you as I get going here.
4. HGTV - I'm addicted to this channel. I could watch almost every show on HGTV, and I've seen so many episodes that there's rarely a rerun that I haven't seen. I love getting new ideas for decorating, inspiration for my future home, and looking at different house styles from all over the world. I love to dream about my future home, and maybe a vacation home someday (someplace warm!).
5. Crafts - Since I was introduced to Pinterest, I have had about a million craft ideas running through my head. My first project was a scarf made out of an old t-shirt. Then I covered some bottles in yarn and made floral arrangements for my fall decorations. I also made a ornament wreath (super easy!) and two wreaths for my mom and grandma for Christmas presents. The last thing I made so far is a wrapping paper holder, which I designed and built myself (and I am particularly proud of it!).

 6. Family and friends - they mean so much to me, and I am thankful for everyone in my life!
7. Blogs - A new love and I'm enjoying it so much!
8. My job - I love my job right now and it is such a blessing to me. I'll just give a quick snapshot of why I'm so thankful: About a year ago I was working room service at a hotel and while the money was amazing, the job was horrible. I quit half way through January, I couldn't handle it anymore. Because of what I was able to save during the time I worked at the hotel, I was able to go the rest of the semester without working. Then it was almost summer break and I was going to need to find a job again. I was really hoping to find an internship in accounting, because the only jobs I ever had were in food service and I needed out! I applied to a LOT of places, I had interviews with a handful of them, but I didn't get any of the positions I applied for. I was getting pretty discouraged by this point and school had already been out for a couple weeks. Then out of the blue I get a call from my current boss. She said she got my resume from the school and wanted me to come in for an interview. I went in the next week and it went pretty well I thought. She said she would call me the next day and let me know if I got the job or not, they needed someone ASAP.
I had also had an interview with another firm the week before and I was supposed to know within the week if I would get that job as well. I really wanted this job because it was mainly tax focused and that's what I thought I wanted to do. So I emailed them and I was honest and told them I had another interview and I was going to know the next day if I got it. I told them I really wanted the internship with them and didn't want to give it up for this other place. They responded and told me I didn't get the job, I was really disappointed, this place was going to be a great fit for me I thought, but I'm so glad now that I didn't get it.
Later the same night of my interview, I got a call and was told I got the job at Steins. In one day my whole job situation changed. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I have been working there since June and I absolutely love it! I love my boss, I love everyone I work with, and I love what I do!
9. Traveling - Traveling is one of the greatest things! I love seeing new places and experiencing new cultures. I hope there is a lot of traveling in my future. I won't go into too much detail because I have another post coming up about where I want to go and such. Stay tuned :)
10. Getting mail - I think this is something that every college student likes, maybe even everyone! Snail mail is used so rarely these days that it is always so exciting to get a real letter in the mail. I'm not talking bills or junk mail, but letters from real people talking about real things. It just makes me smile. My grandma sends me cards and letters sometimes, I love reading what she's up to and she always has the nicest things to say! I think I'm gonna make it a goal of mine to start writing more real letters. I sent out Christmas cards for the first time this year and it was so exciting!

Whew! My apologies for how long that ended up, I haven't learned how to be short and to the point...yet! :)

Happy Monday!

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