Tuesday, January 10, 2012

One food for the rest of my life?!

If you could only eat one food and one drink for the rest of your life, what would it be? 

That is today's topic and I don't even know where to start for this one. I think drinks will be easier so I'm going to start there. I wouldn't want to do soda because my teeth would rot and I'd be sugared up all the time. I don't know if water is something that I have to choose, but for these purposes I would say that I could have water as well. I think I would get sick of juice, especially orange juice to acidic to have all the time. I guess my best bet would be iced tea. 

For food this is much tougher. I would get sick of everything after a while, I know I would. So I guess it's the question what will I get sick of less? Again, this question doesn't get very specific. If I choose pasta, do I have to have the same sauce every time? Do I have to have it only with chicken? Can I change things up? Or if I choose soup, does it always need to be chicken noodle?

First thing that pops in my head is tacos. I think I could eat tacos almost every day, at least for a while.

What would you choose? I would love to hear it!


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